-solid rock

-solid foundation

-solid structure


We founded our company in 2020 because we were determined to create something better for businesses.  Our consultants have risen to the top of their respective industries because of three factors: creativity, integrity and drive.  Our mission is to provide expert problem solving for businesses and nonprofits creating efficiencies through clear communications, strategic financial plans, and technically proven solutions.

At Stonehouse Consulting Group, our business is helping your business succeed. Whether you need help with business planning, need back office support or need to change up your game to higher-level executive action, we’ve got programs and services you need to make your business rock.

Solid Solutions for Your Business




Common Sense

We unlock your potential by locking in your future success through common sense strategies and tactics.  Common sense is the backbone of our recommendations, providing your business with a solid foundation from which to build.



Our business analysts are trained to search for logic flaws and holes in infrastructure. By developing logical business systems and practical solutions for our clients, we can assure scalability and quality products that will be the end results of your commitment to improve.


Brilliant Solutions

We believe in honoring the unique personalities, culture and market that have grown your business so far. We hire only the very best consultants to help you take your business into the future with success beyond your wildest dreams.

You Don’t Build Anything Complex Without a Blueprint!

Architectural Business Solutions Should Be the Norm…

Not all management consultant agencies are built alike.  At Stonehouse Consulting Group, LLC, we work from the bottom up, to assure your business can easily grow with limited changes in the future.  Our business training in the core areas of Finance, Marketing and Technology, coupled with our experience in the Private Sector, Public Sector and Non Profit Organizations, give us the unique ability to understand your business issues, no matter which environment you come from. We feel that developing the purpose of your business is our responsibility, by bringing our skills, talents and experience to you in systematic, practical ways.

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